Summer Shape Up
You Are Beautiful
You Are Strong
You Are Worth It
Starting Monday 14th October
Are you ready to Shape Up for Summer?
During our last 6 week challenge, participants lost between 2 & 7.8 kgs and between 16 & 32 cms. Imagine what you can achieve in EIGHT weeks!
Over the 8 weeks, you’ll experience a major transformation not just in how your body looks, but in how you feel, think, and move without having to resort to hours of boring cardio and depriving yourself of real food.
1 - A Results-Driven Training Method
Confidence that you are doing the exercises your body needs to be doing, safely and correctly, to get the results you want to achieve, through unlimited access to our bootcamp sessions and at home workouts.
2 - A Nutrition Plan You Can Stick To
Yes this is one of the MAJOR components of this program. We all know it’s about the diet (hate that word) but we are going to make sure you follow science proven systems that will still have you eating real food. In fact we will cover so much nutrition that there is no way we won’t find a meal plan or program that works for YOU, YOUR life, and YOUR schedule.
3 - Tracking and Accountability
We hold you to a higher standard than you may hold yourself, because if you’re not accountable to someone only YOU know if you did, or did not, workout. Our entire focus is on getting you results.
4 - Meal Plans & Recipe Book
Eating better doesn’t have to entail brown rice, veggies, and lemon water. That’s why we include some of our favourite recipes and they cover more than just chicken salads, we have REAL food that won’t leave you feeling deprived and even after the program is over you’ll still want to continue to make these on a daily basis.
5 - Daily Motivation
No one ever said this was going to be easy. Even with us at your side coaching you every step of the way, there are going to be some days that will test your will power, we all have them. What we do to help out is send you some of most motivational quotes, stories and emails to just remind you why you started and to not give up.
6 - Success Manual
Don’t you ever wish that you had a book to tell you everything that you wanted to know about what you are going through, why it happened, and what you can expect to happen over the course of your weight loss journey? You did think of that!? Well what a coincidence that we happen to have that EXACT manual just for you. Let’s just say your welcome right now.
7 - Private Facebook Group
You have Facebook right? We add you to a private group just for those that are doing the program so that you can ask those questions that just popped up in your mind and not only get your trainer’s answers but answers from others that are doing the program as well. This alone will give you ideas that you never thought about and help keep you on your game throughout this program.
Now, I have no interest in trying to twist your arm into joining. The fact of the matter is we have a limited number of spots and we only want to work with women that have a WANT to do work and be the best version of themselves.
We have fantastic committed members here and once all the spaces are gone, they’re gone until we run this program again or you can try one of our other programs if you miss the deadline.
I’m very much looking forward to coaching you, helping you shape up for summer and getting you on the path of getting in the best shape of your life.
Yours in Health & Fitness,
P.S. To take your first steps and start the Summer Shape Up Challenge, you just have to fill out the form while the page is still active and this is fresh on your mind. I will send you some more details and give you all the info you need to get started.
P.P.S. Every day that goes by is another day that your missing out on becoming your best. Waiting till tomorrow never gets anyone results, how many more times are you going to say “I’ll wait till next week/month/when kids go back to school/when the holidays are over…” There will ALWAYS be something so TAKE ACTION NOW.